1) 新里直美、丸中良典.気道上皮Calu-3細胞でのフィセチンによるアニオン分泌制御. 分子呼吸器病.16 (1) : 125-129, 2012.
1) Niisato N, Marunaka Y
Sensing mechanism of stretch activated ion channels
Mechanically Gated Channels and mechanisms of their regulation /
Mechanosensitivity in Cells and Tissues
6:189-213, 2012
2) Kusuzaki K, Hosogi S, Ashihara E, Matsubara T, Satonaka H, Nakamura T, Matsumine A, Sudo A, Uchida A, Murata H, Baldini N, Fais S, Marunaka Y
New Concept of Limb Salvage Surgery in Musculoskeletal Sarcomas with Acridine Orange Therapy
In: Sarcoma: Symptoms, Causes and Treatments (Editor: Butler EJ)
pp.124-137, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2012
1) Kusuzaki K, Hosogi S, Ashihara E, Matsubara T, Satonaka H, Nakamura T, Matsumine A, Sudo A, Uchida A, Murata H, Baldini N, Fais S, Marunaka Y.
Translational Research of Photodynamic Therapy with Acridine Orange which Targets Cancer Acidity.
Current Pharmaceutical Design 18:1414-1420, 2012.
1) Komatani-Tamiya N, Daikoku E, Takemura Y, Shimamoto C, Nakano T, Iwasaki Y, Matsumura H, Marunaka Y, Nakahari T.
Procaterol-stimulated increases in ciliary bend amplitude and ciliary beat frequency in mouse bronchioles
Cell Physiol Biochem 29:511-22, 2012
2) Taruno A, Ohmori H, Kuba H
Inhibition of presynaptic Na+/K+-ATPase reduces readily releasable pool size at the avian end-bulb of Held synapse
Neurosci Res 72:117-128, 2012
3) Niisato N, Ohta M, Eaton DC, Marunaka Y. Hypotonic stress upregulates beta- and gamma-ENaC expression through suppression of ERK by inducing MKP-1. Am J Physiol (Renal Physiol) 303:F240-252, 2012
Nagao H, Nakajima K, Niisato N, Hirota R, Bando H, Sakaguchi H, Hisa Y, Marunaka Y
K+-Cl– cotransporter 1 (KCC1) negatively regulates NGF-induced neurite outgrowth in PC12 cells
Cell Physiol Biochem 30:538-551, 2012
5) Nakajima K, Niisato N, Marunaka Y
Enhancement of tubulin polymerization by Cl–-induced blockade of intrinsic GTPase
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 425:225-229, 2012
6) Iitaka D, Shiozaki A, Ichikawa D, Kosuga T, Komatsu S, Okamaoto K, Fujiwara H, Ishii H, Nakahari T, Marunaka Y, Otsuji E.
Blockade of chloride ion transport enhances the cytocidal effect of hypotonic solution in gastric cancer cells.
J Surgical Res 176:524-534, 2012
7) Nako Y, Shiozaki A, Ichikawa D, Komatsu S, Konishi H, Iitaka D, Ishii H, Ikoma H, Kubota T, Fujiwara H, Okamoto K, Ochiai T, Nakahari T, Marunaka Y, Otsu E
Enhancement of the cytocidal effects of hypotonic solution using a chloride channel blocker in pancreatic cancer cells
Pancreatology 12:440-448, 2012.
8) Hosogi S, Miyazaki H, Nakajima K, Ashihara E, Niisato N, Kusuzaki K, Marunaka Y.
An Inhibitor of Na+/H+ Exchanger (NHE), Ethyl-Isopropyl Amiloride (EIPA), Diminishes Proliferation of MKN28 Human Gastric Cancer Cells by Decreasing the Cytosolic Cl– Concentration via DIDS-Sensitive Pathways. Cell Physiol Biochem. 30:1241-1253, 2012.
1) Marunaka Y, Niisato N. Osmotic Regulation of Epithelial Na+ Channel.
International Symposium on Epithelial Barrier and Transport 2012. September 15-16, 2012;Shiga.
2) Hosogi S, Kusuzaki K, Marunaka Y. Cl– channels/transporters as new targets for cancer therapies based on disruption of autophagy ability via modification of lysosome acidification. The 3rd International society for proton dynamics in cancer 2012. October 12-13, 2012;Kyoto.
1) Niisato N, Marunaka Y. A physiological role of p38 on aldosterone-dependent regulation of ENaC endocytosis in renal epithelial A6 cells. The Experimental Biology 2012. April 21-25, 2012; San Diego.
2) Miyazaki H and K. Strange. Differential regulation of CLC anion channel by SPAK kinase ortholog mediated multisite phosphorylation. The Experimental Biology 2012. April 21-25, 2012; San Diego.
3) Niisato N, Marunaka Y. p38 controls proteasome-depndent degradation of ENaC in aldosterone-treated renal epithelial A6 cells. International Symposium on Epithelial Barrier and Transport 2012. September 15-16, 2012;Shiga.
4) Miyazaki H, Niisato N, Marunaka Y. Intracellular chloride regulates cell proliferation through the activation of stress-activated protein kinases in MKN28 human gastric cancer cells. International Symposium on Epithelial Barrier and Transport 2012. September 15-16, 2012;Shiga.
5) Hosogi S, Miyazaki H, Niisato N, Kusuzaki K, Marunaka Y. An inhibitor of Na+/H+ exchanger (NHE) diminishes proliferation of MKN28 human gastric cancer cells by
decreasing the cytosolic Cl– concentration ([Cl–]c). International Symposium on Epithelial Barrier and Transport 2012. September 15-16, 2012;Shiga.
6) Sun Hongxin, Niisato N, Marunaka Y. Insulin action on forskolin-stimulated Cl– secretion in renal epithelial A6 cells. International Symposium on Epithelial Barrier and Transport 2012. September 15-16, 2012;Shiga.
7) Sasamoto K, Niisato N, Marunaka Y. Mathematical model on two-step Cl– secretion in epithelial Cell. International Symposium on Epithelial Barrier and Transport 2012. 2012.9.15-16;Shiga.
8) Miyazaki H, Niisato N, Marunaka Y. Intracellular chloride regulates cell proliferation through the activation of stress-activated protein kinases in MKN28 human gastric cancer cells. The 3rd International society for proton dynamics in cancer 2012. October 12-13, 2012;Kyoto.
9) Kitagawa M, Niisato N, Marunaka Y. A role of K+-Cl– cotransporter in the cell cycle regulation of breast cancer MDA-MB-231 cells. The 3rd International society for proton dynamics in cancer 2012. October 12-13, 2012;Kyoto.
10) Sun Hongxin, Niisato N, Marunaka Y. Insulin enhances forskolin-stimulated Cl– secretion in renal epithelia A6 cells. The 3rd International society for proton dynamics in cancer 2012. October 12-13, 2012;Kyoto.
11) Hayata H, Miyazaki H, Niisato N, Yokoyama N, Marunaka Y. Involvement of the extracellular pH in skeletal muscle insulin resistance. The 3rd International society for proton dynamics in cancer 2012. October 12-13, 2012;Kyoto.
12) Hosogi S, Kusuzaki K, Marunaka Y. Cytosolic chloride ions regulate lysosomal pH and autophagy. The 6th International symposium on Autophagy 2012. October 28-November 1, 2012;Okinawa.
1) Niisato N, Ohta M, Marunaka Y. p-38-dependent suppression of ENaC endocytosis is involved in stimulation of Na+ reabsorption by aldosterone in renal epithelial A6 cells. The 89th Annual Meeting of the Physiological Society of Japan. 2012.3.29-31; Matsumoto.
2) Marunaka Y, Taruno A. Recycling rates of ENaC depend on the total amount of recycled channels. The 89th Annual Meeting of the Physiological Society of Japan. 2012.3.29-31; Matsumoto.
3) 笹本浩平、新里直美、丸中良典. 気道上皮細胞のCl–分泌に関する数理モデル. 日本生理学会 平成24年度 生理学若手研究者フォーラム「生体機能への挑戦」2012.6.30. 東京. 若手研究者奨励賞受賞
4) 笹本浩平、新里直美、丸中良典.2つの膜を介するCl–分泌機構に関する時間依存的2ステップ数理モデルによる上皮細胞機能解析の可能性. 膜シンポジウム.2012.11-6-7;神戸.
1)Sasamoto K, Niisato N, Marunaka Y. Analysis of epithelial ion transport by mathematical model. The 89th Annual Meeting of the Physiological Society of Japan. 2012.3.29-31; Matsumoto.
2)Hosogi S, Ohta M, Nakajima K, Ashihara E, Niisato N, Marunaka Y. The mechanisms of Na+/H+ exchanger inhibitor on proliferation of gastric cancer cells with several pathways. The 89th Annual Meeting of the Physiological Society of Japan. 2012.3.29-31; Matsumoto. 優秀ポスター賞受賞
3)Nakajima K, Niisato N, Marunaka Y. Measurement of intracellular chloride concentration in differentiating PC12 cells. The 89th Annual Meeting of the Physiological Society of Japan. 2012.3.29-31; Matsumoto.
4) 笹本浩平、新里直美、丸中良典. 上皮細胞におけるCl–分泌の数学的モデル. 第7回京滋呼吸器リサーチフォーラム. 2012.3.31; 京都 優秀発表賞受賞
5)新里直美、西尾恭介、丸中良典.アルドステロン刺激時のMAPK phophatase及びp38を介するNa+再吸収制御メカニズムの解明.第55回日本腎臓学会学術総会.2012.6.1-3;横浜.
第1回iPUC-Ⅲ(Integrated Pulmonary Circulation Research-Ⅲ). 2012.6.23;東京.
7)笹本浩平、新里直美、丸中良典.2ステップ Cl– 分泌に関する時間依存的数理モデルの構築による上皮細胞機能解析の可能性.平成24年度 数理生物サマーレクチャー.2012.7.9-12;神戸.
8)芦原英司、丸中良典、細木誠之.がん幹細胞に発現するイオン輸送体を標的とした新規治療開発.ソルト・サイエンス研究財団 第24回助成研究発表会.2012.7.18 ; 東京.
10)笹本浩平、新里直美、丸中良典.気道上皮細胞におけるCl- 分泌の数理モデル. 第50回日本生物物理学会大会.2012.9-22-24;名古屋.
11)細木誠之、宮崎裕明、横山紀子、新里直美、楠崎克之、丸中良典.細胞内Cl- がリソソームのpHを制御し、オートファジーを制御する.第105回近畿生理談話会.2012.9.29;大阪.
13)Sun Hongxin, Niisato N, Marunaka Y. Insulin action on forskolin-stimulated Cl– secretion in renal epithelial A6 cells. 第105回近畿生理談話会.2012.9.29;大阪.
14)北川真希、新里直美、細木誠之、塩崎敦、大辻英吾、丸中良典.細胞周期制御におけるK+-Cl– 共輸送体(KCC)の役割解明.第105回近畿生理談話会.2012.9.29;大阪.
18)細木誠之、宮崎裕明、新里直美、楠崎克之、丸中良典.NHE阻害剤による細胞増殖抑制にNDCBEを介した細胞内クロライドイオンの低下が関与する. 生理学研究所研究会.「粘膜防御における上皮膜輸送の役割とその破綻による疾病発症メカニズム」2012.11.30-12.1;岡崎.
1) 丸中良典、芦原英司、新里直美、太田麻利子.フラボノイドによる免疫細胞活性化.大豆たん白質研究 32(14):63-67, 2012.
2) Niisato N, Ohta M, Marunaka Y. p-38-dependent suppression of ENaC endocytosis is involved in stimulation of Na+ reabsorption by aldosterone in renal epithelial A6 cells.
J Physiol Sci. 62(suppl-1): 38, 2012.
3) Marunaka Yoshinori, Taruno Akiyuki. Recycling rates of ENaC depend on the total amount of recycled channels. J Physiol Sci. 62(suppl-1): 48, 2012.
4) Sasamoto Kouhei, Niisato Naomi, Marunaka Yoshinori. Analysis of epithelial ion transport by mathematical model.
J Physiol Sci. 62(suppl-1): 136, 2012.
5)Hosogi Shigekuni, Ohta Mariko, Nakajima Ken-ichi, Ashihara Eishi, Niisato Naomi, Marunaka Yoshinori. The mechanisms of Na+/H+ exchanger inhibitor on proliferation of gastric cancer cells with several pathways.
J Physiol Sci. 62(suppl-1): 138, 2012.
6)Nakajima Ken-ichi, Niisato Naomi, Marunaka Yoshinori. Measurement of intracellular chloride concentration in differentiating PC12 cells.
J Physiol Sci. 62(suppl-1): 140, 2012.
7)新里直美、西尾恭介、丸中良典.アルドステロン刺激時のMAPK phophatase及びp38を介するNa+再吸収制御メカニズムの解明.日本腎臓学会誌.54(3):293, 2012.
8)Sasamoto K, Niisato N, Marunaka Y. Mathematical model of Cl– secretion in airway epithelial cells. 生物物理.52(Suppl 1): S43, 2012.
9)Sasamoto K, Niisato N, Marunaka Y. Mathematical model on two-step Cl– secretion mechanism through two membranes of epithelial cells. 膜.24: 113-116, 2012.
3) 中島謙一(研究代表者):基盤研究(C)(一般)新規、H24~H26)「クロライドイオンによる低分子量Gタンパク質活性制御を介した神経細胞死の抑制」
1)丸中良典(研究責任者):平成24年度研究成果展開事業 研究成果最適展開支援プログラム(A-STEP)フィージビリティスタディ・ステージ 探索タイプ「ヒト間質液pH連続測定法の開発:糖尿病予防・病態管理を目的とする体液管理法の開発」
1) 丸中良典(研究代表者):ソルトサイエンス研究財団 平成24年度研究助成 「アルドステロンによる上皮型ナトリウムチャネル(ENaC)タンパク寿命延長の分子機構解明」
2)丸中良典(研究代表者):山田養蜂場 みつばち研究助成基金 2012年 度研究助成 プロポリス摂取によるインスリン抵抗性改善を介した糖尿病および合併症の予防
1)丸中良典:平成24年度4大学連携研究支援費 がん細胞特異的な新規ドラッグデリバリーシステムの開発